can't tell you how happy i am for having my dolls featured
on the beautiful blog of the artist Elsa Mora.
I'm a big fan of her art, there's such a personal world behind her artworks
that makes me dream and smile.
She tells stories of impossible characters, where nature, animals and human beings
live together in harmony.
Love her papercuts, but also her jewels, ceramics, books, drawings, paintings...
she makes everything beautiful! just take a look at her web Art is a Way,
her blog about papercutting, her flickr, shop,
or just google her name to get inspired and ejoy her art :)
no os podéis imaginar lo feliz que estoy,
la artista Elsa Mora ha posteado sobre mis muñecas en su precioso blog!
soy super fan de todo lo que hace joyería, cerámica, esculturas en papel,
libros, pintura, dibujos... trabaja con infinidad de materiales y lo más difícil
es que siempre consigue trasladar y reflejar su mundo interior a todas sus obras,
las llena de detalles detalles super delicados
y las trabaja con una técnica implecable.
Te transporta y te cuenta historias de personajes imposibles en mundos
donde naturaleza, animales y seres humanos conviven en perfecta armonía.
mirad su web Art is a Way, su blog All about Papercutting,
su flickr, tienda, o simplemente buscad en google su nombre
para disfrutar de su obra :)
all the images are from Elsa Mora.

Snow dress by Elsa Mora, (white felt)
Flower Vision
Elsa Mora writtes about it... "It was inspired by two different elements: the victorian era and this quote by Henri Matisse: "There are always flowers for those who want to see them". "
Elsa Mora writtes about it... "It was inspired by two different elements: the victorian era and this quote by Henri Matisse: "There are always flowers for those who want to see them". "

so beautiful..
happy weekend!!
no son preciosas?
feliz fin de semana!!
happy weekend!!
no son preciosas?
feliz fin de semana!!
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