
Inspiration: Scrapbook + Embroidery + Decorative Bands

Treasure journal wrap by Early Morning Thoughts 

my embroidered samplers / composite bands

found some good inspiration on these pieces
that combines embroidery with different techniques and materials.
hope you enjoy all these link of talented crafters/artists too!

algo más de inspiración!
he encontrado estas preciosas piezas que combinan bordado
con diferentes técnicas y materiales.
espero que disfrutéis con todos estos links de artistas supertalentosas!

2 comentarios:

Amie Plumley said... [Reply to comment]

Wonderful inspiration! I mostly sew with children and am excited to try out a collage/embroidery project with them.

misako mimoko said... [Reply to comment]

@Amie Plumley Happy you liked it and got inspired by these amazing needleworks. Yes!! they can be a great idea for sewing projects with kids! Sounds really cool, I'll be checking your blog ;), happy monday!!

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