hi! i've made a quick explanation of how to order my book from outside Spain,
from Círculo de Lectores online shop
as it's only in Spanish purchasing my book can be a little confusing :)
Círculo de Lectores ships worldwide,
it charges 7,50 € to out of Spain.
you can check it on Preguntas Frecuentes (FAQs) page.
You can pay using your credit or debit card, transaction will be handled in Euros.
If you credit card account is in a currency other than Euros.
You may be subject to a foreign currency transaction fee. Please consult your bank or credit card provider if you are unsure.
let's start!
hola!! os paso las explicaciones de
cómo comprar el libro desde fuera de España,
en la
web de Círculo de Lectores.
envían a todo el mundo y los gastos de envío son 7,50 € por envíos internacionales
lo podéis ver en su
página de preguntas frecuentes.
Podéis pagar con vuestra tarjeta en euros, no hay problema si tenías otra moneda iferente,
pero tened en cuenta que a veces las entiades bancarias cobran un plus por comprar en moneda extranjera, consultad con vuestro banco :)
las explicaciones supongo quelas entenderéis en inglés,
lo único importante es que en el formulario de la dirección tendréis que añadir la ciudad y la provincia en la casilla de la población, porque en el desplegable sólo salen las províncias españolas.
Aseguráos de que está toda vuestra dirección completa!
y ya está! espero haber servido de ayuda :)
feliz fin de semana!!
1. Click on this link to order my book and select the number of copies you want,
then click on COMPRAR EN 1-CLICK button
If you credit card account is in a currency other than US Dollars, you may be charged at a different excahnge rate than what is quoted on our website. You may also be subject to a foreign currency transaction fee. Please consult your bank or credit card provider if you are unsure. We are not responsible for the exchange rate of any charges your bank or issuing credit card company may charge you. - See more at: https://www.japlusu.com/content/online-shop-frequently-asked-questions#sthash.8GQS1qPN.dpuf
If you credit card account is in a currency other than US Dollars, you may be charged at a different excahnge rate than what is quoted on our website. You may also be subject to a foreign currency transaction fee. Please consult your bank or credit card provider if you are unsure. We are not responsible for the exchange rate of any charges your bank or issuing credit card company may charge you. - See more at: https://www.japlusu.com/content/online-shop-frequently-asked-questions#sthash.8GQS1qPN.dpuf
2. Proceed to Checkout clicking PROCEDER A LA COMPRA
3. Fill the registration form accept policies and click REGISTRAR button
4. Now you must check NO field, because you're not already a member of the Club.
5. Write your delivery address info,
fill POBLACIÓN field with the city and state / region,
because the next text field has only spanish provinces available.
Fill in your card info.
Check the two required fields accepting policies and conditions
and then you'll be available to make the payment for the book
clicking COMPRAR button.
That's it!
hope it helps you :)
happy weekend!!